Friday, July 30, 2010

Even in Chaos there is Order.

Today's post is about managing your bags, bank and guild bank.
Even though you think your complete inventory is nice and ordered, you should question if it really is.

Do you let add-ons order it, do you manually order it, or just loot from mailbox and see what's next?
This is important, to be able to have a clear view on good sales, you should have a really clean inventory, it's important to know what you have, where you have it and how much of it.
Luckily for the automated kind of person, there are add-ons to manage this.

Bankstack is such an add-on, it is able to sort your bags, bank & guild bank with a few clicks.
Another feature is that it is capable to stack items from bags to bank/guild bank and vice versa, so you won't have random stacks of item "X" multiple times in your inventory stored where only 1 slot would be needed.

Altoholic is fairly mandatory to track which one of your characters has what kind of item and how much of it, so you know what to craft, stockpile or sell.
It can track items on your bank, guild bank, bags, auction house and mailbox, spread over all your characters.

Bagnon displays your bags into one large bag unit and also provides a search feature, so if you can't find an item in your 'organised' bag, you can search for it through that function.
It also displays the amount of total gold you have across your characters, just a handy thing to know (how much liquid gold you have to invest for example).

Last but not least, Addon Control Panel, this wonderful add-on makes it possible to switch between Add-on sets or enable/disable current add-ons in your add-on list. This is really nice when you have to swap from scanning to crafting (some computers crash if they have both enabled) and this is the fast & easy way.
You simply select a set, add, remove or load it stand-alone, reload your user interface and there you go, a complete new UI in a few clicks.

What add-ons would you suggest to use besides these? Or which ones are you using to keep track of your wares?

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