Saturday, July 31, 2010

Organisation Continued

Yesterday's post was about keeping track of our inventory, today's post will be about keeping track of your Auctions.

There are a few add-ons that are used by most of the Auctioneers, to mention a few; Auctioneer, Auctionator, Quick Auctions 3 and possibly a lot others.
Yet to see what auctions were successful or not, we will be a bit more dependant on Auctioneer's Beancounter.
The major downside of this mod inside Auctioneer was, the data was only easy to view in-game, Beancounter Exporter changes this.
It's an Excel spreadsheet which converts Beancounter data into readable data for you, displaying items sold, at what price, sold by which of your characters, how much etc, just everything.

This was the utility a lot of us were waiting for and with this, we can filter out the bad selling items and mail those to one of our bank alts to put those for 48h auctions and look every few days if it sold or not.
If we create a plan at the hand of the results of beancounter, we can maximize our profits and analyse the market, weekends (show sales after the weekend, last 2-3 days), midweek (check on Friday's for the last 5 days ), etc.
Once we get used to this and create our own pattern, we can improve our AH game, increase our profits and spend less time doing so.

Examples how to:
- create separate groups in QA3 for the same category of items, ie; glyphs, gems, certain materials and so forth.
- adjust and optimise your bulk mailing add-ons to send only the items you want to sell quick/dump to bank alt.
- change our days, time, frequency in which we buy, sell & trade items.

All-in-all, maximizing profits has become easier by one step.

I hope you enjoyed today's post, keep your copper coins rolling!

1 comment:

  1. Beancounter Exporter was new to me. Will try it as fast as possible. Thanks and Greetings from Germany!
