Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Markets

Today's post will be about the markets I am participating in, it will be short, but hopefully constructive.

- Alchemy;
Transmution mastery is so nice! Converting Saronite into Titanium Bars and selling them for a stack price of Saronite is pure profit (excluding the procs!).
Crafting my daily Epic gems is a nice way to keep my JC busy too.

- Blacksmithing; 
Work in progress, all the items, or at least the green quality and up are send to my Enchanter to be disenchanted and sold on the AH to keep the investment costs low, unless the materials are useful for my Enchanting business, then I apply them to the destined scroll to be sold.

- Enchanting;
Vanilla scrolls are my main thing, SpellpowerCrusaderFiery (lots of competition sadly), Agility2H Weapon Agility and Chest Stats.
I know I am missing out if I don't post mongoose or any post-vanilla enchants, but the materials are running dry (crystals & shards mainly) and farming instances with my Hunter (Enchanting char) isn't the most speedy thing, I miss my prot pally for those things too much.

- Engineering;
I craft arrows for my hunter and that's it, I even sell them in singles for the price of a stack of 1000, not often, but there are those times when you do your daily heroic and some hunter keeps pulling packs that you wanted to skip to speed up the runs, this is my revenge.

- Inscription;
My cash-cow, I am not yet completely utilizing this profession to it's maximum, that's mainly because I started it really late.
I lack 32 more glyphs and at times I forget to do my daily research or just don't have time to do so.
Every weekend I am crafting 5 glyphs of each type, it could and should be more, around 20 of each, but I simply fail at managing it all.
Furthermore, the books; Faces of Doom, Rituals of the New Moon & Ironbound Tome are part of my to-sell collection.
The vellums are used for my Enchanter, I also keep my Snowfall Inks to create Darkmoon Cards (Insane achievement whoring while making cash at the same time, why not?).

Investing goes purely into buying Northrend Herbs only, I am too lazy to bother with anything else, as I can convert the Ink of the Sea at Jessica Sellers in Dalaran.

- Jewelcrafting;
Tried the blue & meta gem market, but people are simply selling too much at a too low price, I suspect botting, but reporting them haven't changed a thing so far.
Just Epic Gem crafting & flipping, Saronite shuffling to keep my Enchanter supplied and sending bulks to my Alchemist for transmution.

- Mining;
I am releveling mining as I dropped it for Blacksmithing on my Paladin, good old DKs are good for that.

I currently have no Herbalist, Skinner, Tailor or Leatherworker, I might install those professions on my alts (74+ Rogue and 60+ Prot War, 30+ Mage (has Tailoring, but I simply hate leveling)), but not sure what or how I'm going to deal with that yet.
I might create a second Jewelcrafter to speed up my Gem coverage (mainly blue gems on one character and Epics on the other) and perhaps even another Alchemist for specializing in Transmution again or diversify a little and pick up another...

Tips and/or recommendations are welcome.
That's all for today! Tomorrow I will cover disenchanting, prospecting & milling automation, stay tuned!

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