Sunday, August 1, 2010

The milling macro isn't effective

My opinion about the milling macro is that it is redundant, adding herbs you want to mill and the herbs not being in the right slot/stack size is bothersome and only brings extra work.
There's a much better way to do it and that's using Enchantrix.
Benefits of the Enchantrix macro above the default milling macro:

  • No more perfect herb/ore stacks needed.
  • No need for 3 different macro's for 3 different professions.
  • No  need to adjust the macro to add/remove items so you can continue with your work.

This should make you think twice before jumping into a profession and doing it the bothersome way, just get Auctioneer's Enchantrix and use the macro below and you are set, no more macro-managing macro's.
/click AutoDEPromptYes

That was all for today's post, tips, tricks, comments, everything is welcome.
Enjoy what's left of your weekend and let's keep that copper coin rolling!

P.S. I removed the automated posts, as it really seems to be against blizzard's ToS and we don't want to promote any malicious ways of playing this game.
I apologise for the inconvenience and take full responsibility for my actions.

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