Thursday, August 5, 2010


I've started my glyph wall today, I got tired of fighting over glyph prices all the time and I want people to back off in the inscription market.
I already got the off-hands for myself and can manage to post most of the runescrolls, but the glyphs themselves are undercut almost 24/7 and this has to stop.

I am going to make it a bit harder for myself by limiting my posting characters to 1 and I will still post everything.
I'm still young in all of this, including making gold efficiently, I just need to find a (time) efficient way of distributing my glyphs and post them accordingly.

Anyway, so far nothing special my glyphs are on the AH, I've yet to wait for undercuts and all that, we'll see how it goes. Once I am done with crafting a full stack of every glyph I will be capable to make my afk-time more efficient with Quick Auctions Poster.

More updates will come as I progress today (will do it from a different computer, so I need to reconfigure my add-ons too).
Stay tuned and maybe you will be able to take over the glyph market yourself or learn from my mistakes, either way, you'll benefit from the outcome.

Edit: First hate whisper already is in after 10 minutes, I can't wait for my other competitors to log on (:

Update: I came back from a long long day and I see 275 auctions being sold, including a few darkmoon cards, my battered hilt and this will make me end the current session with 10.5k gold.
Not bad for a first day of Glyph walling and not even posting frequent!
It seems my competitors pretty much wanted me to have the market for now, well, I'm surely reaping the benefits from that!


  1. I usually go with a stockpile of 10 of each glyph, what did you start with for this one?

  2. 5 of each when I left this morning, but I'm going to increase it to 20 of each and craft daily to keep the annoyance level high.

  3. Is there any news about the addon Quick Auctions Poster, some say its against the ToS. If so is there any chance to get caught on.

  4. I'm afraid not, I am currently moving and been doing that all day, I only posted this morning and how that turned out will be updated in my current post (:

  5. Quick auction poster is an item I would not touch. From everything bliss has down in the past this will not stand. My understanding is it is against the toss. Even if it isn't don't expect it to be arou d.

    If you want a fight then do your glyph wall but today it is just too easy to undercut someone with the various mods. Lots of people have lots of gold. I don't see the point in trying to get people out of a market in this fashion. Someone like myself is in every market. Your slash of prices and profit just let's me wait till the market returns. As it is on my server the glyph market is not a great market due to low turnover.
