Monday, August 2, 2010

Beancounter Export optimised usage

Beancounter Export is a fantastic add-on to track your sales, failed auctions and things you bought out,
yet it still misses a minor feature that probably will be implemented by default in the near future.
That feature is; Filters.

Filters in Excel allows you to display only that info which you wish to see.
In the AuctionsSuccess sheet you can see the ItemName column, but it displays all your items and not per market or whatever you'd like to see them.
This is where the filter kicks in, to apply a filter, you'll have to select the whole column, example shown below:
After which you go to the Data Tab -> Filter;
Once the filter is applied, you see a drop-down menu button next to ItemName, click that button and go to the "Text Filter" -> "Contains" option.
Let's say you want to track your glyphs sold ( so you can adjust your craft amounts or decide which not to craft etc), this is what you will insert into the new window:
Both "Glyph" & "Glyph of" will be usable terms, but it's just a habit of mine to type "Glyph of".
If you look at the first ItemName column I posted, it was disordered, this is what mine looks like after applying the Text Filter:
As you can see, it lists the most sold glyphs( a lot more if I would scroll down of course). This information is very handy to us whom have the Inscription profession, we can increase the amount or frequency of which we craft these hot selling items and filter out the good & bad selling ones, maximizing our profit, minimizing the time and effort we put into it.

Applying filters like these can be used for different sheets & columns of course, a few other possible filters could be:
- sorting on faction if you play the AH on both factions.
- sort on character name.
- sort on buyer (see if someone tries to buy you out often or not).

That's all I could think of right now, but the sky is the limit if you are able to use this well.

Analyse your markets, watch your wares closely and improve your AH strategies.
That's all for today, any questions regarding this or anything else, feel free to e-mail them to me or post them in the comment section.

Keep your copper coin rolling!

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